The main areas of services that we offer are:
Alerts & Warnings
We provide clients with advanced alerts and warnings on potential vulnerabilities and threats facing their information technology infrastructure. Where possible these alerts will be tailored specifically for the Irish audience and also to meet clients’ requirements such as non-technical alerts for owner managers of SMEs and more detailed technical alerts for IT specialists working for larger firms.
IRISSCON is an all-day conference which focuses on providing attendees with an overview of the current cyber threats facing businesses in Ireland and throughout the world and what they can do to help deal with those threats.
Provide Guidelines & Advice
We provide clients with information, advice and best practices on how to secure and manage the information technology platforms their businesses are dependent on. IRISS also supports a number of online forums where clients can raise issues and queries with our experts or others within our community.
Incident Reporting
We provide clients with a resource whereby computer security incidents can be reported anonymously and in confidence.
Sanitised Attack Notifications
IRISS provides an alerting service to companies regarding attacks that are actively happening to other Irish companies so they can better prevent the same attack happening to them.
Conduct Research
We will conduct surveys and research on information security matters within Ireland to get a better understanding as to what is happening in the Irish Internet community. This should provide meaningful statistics to help drive home some key messages to companies and raise security awareness levels using statistics pertinent to the Irish market.